
Listen to an audiobook using your library card number. Looking for guided tutorials for using these Digital Resources? Try our Niche Academy portal.

Includes eBooks, audiobooks, & magazines that you can read on your computer browser or download to a handy app or computer program. Great selection of best-sellers and popular titles for all ages and interests. Click the link above for the website or head over to the app store on your device to download Libby (by OverDrive).

Helpful links:

For Reader & Computer users

For Tablet/Phone App users

With a focus on eBooks, cloudLibrary has an easy-to-use app or website so you can locate books quickly. cloudLibrary also has a selection of audiobooks. Click the link above for the website or head over to the app store on your device to download cloudLibrary.

Helpful links:

Getting Started

Troubleshooting other issues

eBooks for kids! Includes include animated talking picture books, books in English and French, read-alongs, non-fiction books and National Geographic videos.